With many Industries that use Liquid based Forms in their every day uses for Feuls water Oils Sytructuring their Liquid basesd Products / Feuls or watering / Hydration and many more. We can come up with a Formula to administrate the Desired whether it's for Economical / more advanced absorption / power / Growth spectrums. We can discuss and consult what suits your wanting to do best moving forward. Write to us StructuredWaterMolecules@proton.me
With a Range of Water Conditioning Technologys, the Panteded De-cell Technology Separation of Salts: Approximately 2.5% of seawater, including sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) ions. Presenting purified Clean Water. With Added conversion rates adding or minus Elements etc we Can organise the SWM abilities to perform different Tasks and rates per Design specific.
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SWM has Designed many molecules to suit your needs in an Agricultural settings. Using Panteted Liquid Fertilsiers that are are Environmentally Friendly and unuiqe application to absorb the Fertiliser stages for maximum Soil Microibiom health and root micro Riza growth triple the root system mass. Pallets for Tree Growth and Establishment or Reinforce These unique formulas will increase the Chlorphill / of the plants breathing and light spectrum absorbtion its natural nitrate conversions and relation ships between the Mycelimum Net work. Using a unuiqe Delivery of Liquid Fertilisers this will increase yields / health and Shelf-life color Spectrum and Mineral contents Tailoring to the specific plant fruit or Fungi that will be focused on.
We offer structured water solutions specifically tailored for energy-efficient industries. Diesel / Hydrogen To see some of how the Molecule Conditioning will affect the performance of the overall drive combustion components and Fuel Economy, simply click the Link Below to see The Video sample Testing for compression economy consumption motor temperature and power. Electro Magnetic Water can also assist in Photon Observation as the Water Molecule's capacity to enhance the viewing on Particles on a science instrumentation Practices and Levels. Veiwing the Photon Particle's that come through the Atmospheric space.
Explore our range of Structured water products designed to maximize the Potential in all areas that with Cell Coherance will make a posative impact for optimal health. Discover the amazing benefits of structured water and how it can improve your overall health. Our unique process ensures the highest quality water for all your needs. The Uniuqe propertys of structured water Will allow 100% free flow into the bodys cells and microbiom comunication. Providing Electrical current Structure and Cell Comunication Optimisation. This means the body it self dosnt structure it or " Require to" structured water gives many health benefits. increases energy improves concentration and memory promotes weight loss and weight maintenance promotes better sleep supports a healthy immune system Great for Fasting as the body has Energetic water giving to the Microbiom Stem cells For the Whole body Gut/ Heart/ Brain Coherance Advanced optimal Comunication. Suitble for all ages